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2021, April 17th meeting例会報告



Today, we enjoy the online meeting.


今日は英語の部から。今朝の言葉は「measure(測る、方策)」。Preventive measures(蔓延防止措置)といったように使います。

Today we start from the English session. Today’s word is “measure”. We can use it like “preventive measures.”

1人目の英語のスピーカーはT.K.さん。”Mentors in the empty chair”と題して、自分の尊敬する人物をメンターとして想定し、イメージの中で相談しアドバイスを得る、というEmpty Chair Techniqueを紹介。いつでも、どこでも相談できて、とっても有用!

2人目のスピーカーはT.K.さん。“My collection”と題して、料理は苦手だったけど、道具に凝るようになり、いろいろな道具を収集、その道具を活用してキッシュ・ロレーヌも作っちゃった!という美味しそうなお話!

左:あなたなら誰を座らせますか?  右:キッシュ・ロレーヌ、美味しそう!

The first speaker is T.K. san. Her speech title is ”Mentors in the empty chair”. She talks about “the Empty Chair Technique.” She imagines several people she respects and sit them in a chair in her imagination and consults with them. She says, “It’s convenient because we can consult anytime anywhere!”

The second speaker is T.K. san. Her speech title is “My collection”. She was not good at cooking, but she loves it and collect lots of kitchen wares. She’s cooked quiche Lorraine several times using one of them. It must be delicious!





In the table topic session, K.A. san chooses topics related to April & May.

“In April, lots of graduates start working. What is your memory of starting working?” “My younger brother had been sick and our family needed money. So, after graduating high school, I tried to find a job and found a good one.”

“What is your plan of this GW?” “I’m planning to go to Hokkaido, but I’ll cancel it due to corona virus outbreaks. So, I’ll make a plan to walk because I’m a walking lover!”

個人論評の部では、まず1つ目のスピーチに対し、Y.I.さんが話し方がわかりやすく、PPTもよく構成されており、自信が感じられた点を評価。実際にempty chair techniqueを使った経験談を入れるとより説得力が増すとアドバイス。そうそう、経験談、大事です。



In the individual evaluation session, Y.I. san evaluates the first speech and says that her delivery is fluent and clear, PPT is well organized and we can feel her confidence. If she put some episodes of using the empty chair techniques, it would be more convincing.

The second evaluator S.M. san points out the speaker’s passion for cooking and kitchen wares. On the other hand, he suggests that it’s better to relate speech contents to research results she introduced in her speech.


Today’s word of the morning is “芽生える”. It means sprout as well as arise. What a meaningful word!



The first Japanese speaker is A.T. san. He talks about effects of “story.” He loves mathematics & physics and pursuits the essence. But he found that we need stories to move people in addition to logic when he listened to various speeches at the Area 17 contest. Yeah, what moves people is emotional stories!

2人目のスピーカーはY.T.さん。「ポジティブひきこもり Think Week」と題して、ビル・ゲイツに倣って10日間の有休を使い、計2000ページもの世界史参考書を読破した経験を分析的に紹介。物事を達成する秘訣はゲーム感覚のモチベーション維持と眠気対策(!)。あなたも次の休みに試してみては?


The second speaker is Y.T. san. He took 10 days off and made it “Think Week”, following Bill Gates' example. He read through a total of 2000 page world history reference book! How he did it? He tells us how to keep motivation and how to avoid sleepiness. Wow! Why don’t you try “Think Week” using these tips?





In the table topic session, S.M. san asks topics related to personnel changes.

“What would you do if your boss says “If you work 24/7, you can be promoted.”?” “I don’t like job. I think work life balance is more important than promotion.” That's just like him!

“What would you do is you had a 20 years younger boss?” “I’ll support her. It is becoming normal to have younger bosses.” Yeah, it’s also becoming normal to have older subordinates.




At individual evaluation, N.T. san evaluates A.T. san’s speech. He is surprised that logical A.T. san said “Story is important,” but he cooly points out that the speech structure is good, several questions were effective to make connection with the audience, and the example of the contest struck a chord with the audience. His advice of using more vocal variety is helpful.

Y.I. san passionately evaluates Y.T. san’s speech. He praises Y.T. san as a master speaker, an IT wizard and so on. He also observed audience’s reactions and reports them humorously!


At the end of the meeting, each officer of this term presents his or her role passionately. If you are interested in officers, let’s do it!

今日のベストスピーチタイトル賞はT.K.さんとY.T.さん Best speech title award: T.K. san & Y.T. san

今日のベストテーブルトピックス賞はK.A.さんとN.T.さん:Table topic speech award: K.A. san & N.T. san

今日のベスト論評賞はY.I.さん Best evaluator: Y.I. san

今日のベストスピーカー賞はY.T.さん Best speaker: Y.T. san

でした。おめでとうございます! Congratulations!


Next meeting will be held on May 1st.



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