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  • akabanebilingual

2021, January 16th meeting例会報告


Today, we have the first meeting in 2021. We enjoy the online meeting with 1 guest.



Today, we start from Japanese session.

Word of the morning is “極上(superb)”. May it be a superb year!






Today, we have a short speech festival. The theme is “New year’s resolutions.”

Wonderful resolutions are introduced through superb speeches!

“I’ll challenge the English proficiency test level 1!”

“I'm not going to let my resolutions become a fantasy, but to break them down into small steps and make them a reality.”

“I will complete the Japanese embroidery on the obi and show off my kimono.”

“I’ll improve my English and try a job where I can use English.”

“I’ll fail! Because N.T. san said that failure is the way to success!”

“I won’t be too hard on myself. Instead, I’ll put myself in an environment where I can learn and challenge many things.”

“I’ll do my best at raising my baby aw well as my new job.”

“After cataract surgery, I have a feeling that my vision will open up and my life will change. So, I’ll consider resolutions for my life!”

Members’ hopeful resolutions have inspired me and motivated me for the new year!


Short speech festival initiator, Y.I. san says, “I want to listen to members’ new year resolutions to think about my own resolutions.” Toastmasters is the place we can try anything, so let’s try good ideas!



Next, we have an English session.

Word of the morning is “envision.” Let’s envision a new year!

準備スピーチはK.A.さんによる”Walk Together.” 「時間を大切に」というのは、大切な人とのひとときを一緒に楽しむということ。トーストマスターズのメンターも、protégéの支援者として目標に向かって寄り添って歩いていくもの、とのメッセージ。さあ、あなたも一緒にwalk together!


At prepared speech session, K.A. san makes a speech titled “Walk together.” To value our time means enjoying the time we spend with others, like “walking together”. Toastmaster’s mentors also “walk together” with protégés and help them to achieve their goal.



Today’s theme of table topics are “What were you doing after you became an adult?” & “What do you like to say to new adults?”

J.I. san answers, “I got a job, paid taxes, and nursed my father.” Oh, what an exemplary adult!

Y.I. san speaks passionately, ”Have a dream even if it is a difficult situation!”





At evaluation session, H.I. san & K.S. san evaluate K.A. san’s speech from each perspective. “The story line is smooth and connected to the message. Her gesture synchronises speech. I'll try these things when I give a speech.”

“It’s great that focusing on the most important point and organizing the speech. It’s better to make clearer contrast between before/after.”

Both evaluation are constructive and encouraging!


日本語の部のショートスピーチ賞はY.T.さんとS.M.さんShort speech award: Y.T. san & S.M. san

ユニーク賞はT.K. さんとS.M.さんUnique award: T.K. san & S.M. san

ショート論評賞はS.K.さん Short evaluator award is S.K.さん

英語の部のベストスピーチタイトル賞はK.A.さんBest speech title award is K.A. san

ベストテーブルトピック賞はY.I.さんBest table topic speech award is Y.I. san

ベスト論評賞はK.S.さんBest evaluator award is K.S. san

ベストスピーチ賞はK.A.さん Best speech award is K.A. san


Thank you very much for enjoyable meeting!


Next meeting will be held on January 30th.

Let’s enjoy together!!!



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